In the covid-19 pandemic era, Twitter became a critical media. This media aims to expand human social interaction by utilizing internet technology and websites and create dialogical communication between many audiences. The Governor of the Special Capital Province of Jakarta, the Governor of West Java and the Governor of Central Java, and the Governor of East Java are governors active in social media and have many followers in Indonesia. Of the several regional heads, Governor Anis Baswedan and Ridwan Kamil are the most followers. The Governor of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, has 3,693,859 followers, and the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, has total followers of 4,054,496. A large number of followers shows the existence of state officials in utilizing social media.
During the covid-19 pandemic, the Jakarta Governor’s tweet, Anies Baswedan, contained an appeal to find out more about what Coronavirus was and recognize signs, symptoms and ways to prevent transmission. Anies Baswedan always prioritizes the Provincial Government to provide social assistance and other needs to the people affected by the disaster, and the lack of self-image as individuals who provide all assistance.
As many as 2975 tweets data were labelled manually to be classified with the intensity of activities as well as the existence of philanthropic activities carried out by Ridwan Kamil amid the current pandemic covid-19 condition. On March 27, 2020, Ridwan Kamil tweeted data related to cash assistance and food worth 500 thousand rupiahs per month for several months will be given to new poor, vulnerable families as a result of the covid-19 pandemic, divided by one-third cash and the majority for food. Whereas for the philanthropic politics of the Governor of West Java during the covid-19 pandemic period was not found because the language used by the Governor of West Java on Twitter uses the word provincial government instead of mentioning a personal name.