On the 6th December 2013, has held the first International Discussion Series at Japan. With the theme “Regional Development from the Creative Industries, Culture and Urban Economic Coop-Based Management” these activities are successfully managed and followed by a group of scientists and experts from Nara Prefectural University and Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs which resulted in the publication of the book sourced from related discussions.
Strategically innovative principles policy approaches that controlled by each actor became an important of the public leader, because the leadership position in this sector plays a very vital role. Interests and needs of the policy makers should also pay attention to the current information flow from all aspect. Academic Society is part of a system of government in which there is a wide range of actors. Then to support the creation of a strong leader in the leadership at the national and regional levels Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs and Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri agreed to establish the continues learning and research center named Government Innovation Center (GIC) on 20 March 2014.