Frequently Asked Questions

Asia Pacific Society for Public Affairs (APSPA)

Type Questions Answers
Registration is APSPA membership only for lecturers? you can apply a membership of APSPA as individual or part of institution
Membership is the expertise of APSPA members only in the field of public administration and governmental science? for the majority member of APSPA come from Public Administration and Governmental Science’s expertise. But if you have more spesific expertise of your field related with governmental sciences and public administration, you can apply as an APSPA member
After become an APSPA member, how the status of membership will be worked? All members are asked to pay an annual fees or can also pay once for lifetime. Each member will get a membership certificated and access to every activity of APSPA such as Journal publication in International Journal, International Workshop and all activities around Asia Pacific Area. for joining as member please fill the form here
is there any notes and legality for the institution who was send the lecturers details to join as APSPA member ? if you are applied as individual you can get a certificated as the individual member, while if you are applied as the institution, then the certificated is under your name institution.
How much the cost for joining as member ? for the detailed information regarding the payment, please click here for further information
Collaboration is there any research collaboration as an APSPA Member ? For sure, research collaboration as the products of APSPA, all the member and expertise board or executive board can applied and make memorandum of agreement for joining in research collaboration
Accreditation is there any accreditation activity from APSPA ? accreditation is the one of APSPA Product. All the department or faculty from public administration and governmental sciences can applied to our accreditation product. Accreditation by APSPA are recognize by Kemenristekdikti as an accreditation agency in indonesia and QStar from international Accreditation
in conducting an accreditation, does APSPA has own schedule timeline or its adjusted by the institution who will applied? APSPA accreditation will be works depend on the readiness of thus institution who were applied.
APSPA Benefits what is the strengtheness of APSPA ? APSPA has many products such as accreditation, joining research, research collaboration,  publication, international workshop, and international conferences that connected with each university between local university and international university.