ICONPO I was held on 21-22 January 2011 organized by Department of Government Affairs and Administration, Faculty of Social and Politic Science Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta supported by Thammasat University (Thailand), Korea University and University of Ngurah Rai Denpasar with the first themes of International Conference On Public Organization (ICONPO) is ”Challenge To Develop A New Public Organization Management In The Era Of Democratization”. The event was attended by 28 Writers and presenters from 5 countries namely Korea, Thailand, UK, Australia and Indonesia, and 70 non-paper participants from 40 universities in Indonesia including UI, UGM, UNPAD, UNDIP, UNIBRAW and UNHAS. This international conference adds value to various circles and professions such as Academics, Researchers, Students, Practitioners, Bureaucrats, Politicians, Entrepreneurs, as well as Members of Parliament (DPRD). In conjunction with the implementation of ICONPO, the Journal of Governmental Science (JIP), now renamed Journal of Government and Polittics (JGP), initiated the establishment of Forum Lecturer of Governmental Science of Indonesia (ADIPSI) as an effort to accommodate and become a communication forum among IP lecturers throughout Indonesia develop science, resources and usefulness of Government Science for nation development.